Thursday, July 12, 2012

#4. dream big, big dream.

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them"

HI again! :) 
I'm not a really wise person, not a really mature woman, not a really organized person, but I do love dreaming. Not 'dreaming' in a real context of course :p but I love to use my imagination for things, for things may happen, and using the word 'what if?' 

really want this! 
with my tiny pooh keychain
This is the main reason why I love Disney movies, all the characters, songs, stories, and everything in it. In Disney world we are allowed to break all the rules, use our imagination and make our childhood dreams come true. Magic, fairytales, fairies, dreams, pegasus! How i love pegasus <3 and in love with POOH. I have my pooh collections ;)

Sorry for the distraction :P actually it's not the point. What I'm trying to say is, never let your childhood dreams gone away. For me, the childhood dream is the purest one. I have lots of dreams, and I know many of my dreams are not really what I want, but what the society wants, what my mom and dad want, what they really think is the best for me. I'm not saying they're bad, some things just happen for a reason and it's good.

This is my dream: I will be a doctor, still playing music, have a great family, but one thing --come back to my childhood dream, I want to make an  animal rescue center, animal center for the unlucky ones, adoption center. 

“Happiness is not so much in having as sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

It's pathetic to see the dogs, cats, rabbits, or whatever it is, on the street. And moreover, if they're raised by unresponsible owner :( I love watching television how animals are treated in US, it's so sad how animals are treated in here. I know some people ask why I'm so considered about animals when there are still many suffering-people out there? Yes, good question, I ask myself that too :p but this is not about it, this is about my childhood dream, this is what I thought since I was small,since I still played hide and seek. If I could, of course it will be a pleasure to help others. For me, there's nothing wrong with every child's dream. As i say, it's the purest one.

Well, it's a quickview of my childhood dream :)

So guys I'd love to hear your childhood dreams, or you could just think about it by yourself :) It's not only just a dream, it can be the reality. We have this one chance of life, live it up and do our best, be the impact, be the salt and the light! 

"Married or unmarried, young or old, poet or worker, you are still a dreamer, and will one time know, and feel, that your life is but a dream"

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