"The brain is the most outstanding organ. It works for 24 hours, 365 days, right from your birth until you fall in love."
- anonymous
Many things happened in the last two months. And it's still happening till today. I think it's good to share and I hope it could be a lesson for all of us. :)
It will be so longgg if I have to tell you from the beginning, but in a simple way, I 'have to' lost someone --who has been a part of my life in the last almost-a year. I feel like everything turns upside down. Some of us maybe know this feeling, the feeling I can't describe in any word, as it's not just a normal 'hurt' or 'sad'.
I was so busy with my ambitions lately, that I forgot who I am, and Who-Created-Me. I lost in my dreams, I lost in all my activites, trying to pursue all my high-expectation-standards. I got so 'drown' that I didn't realize I was moving away from the 'right track'. And i knew, things didn't work well at that time, I knew I could do much better, but there's always unexpected things happened. It's like a sign from God, but I heard my heart more. I've been through months of wasting my tears, trying to fix things, wishing for a miracle to come, and keeping my self run from the reality i couldn't change. But there comes a time, I realized that nothing else I could do, except pray.
In one point I'm too tired and I gave up everything. I gave up in my relationship. It's VERY HARD to let go.
I lost the person. Hello memories.
my drawing: strangers again. got so depressed at that time :p |
Well yeah I still get in tears everytime I think about this, yes even now :) but you know.. "When we live and put our trust in God, all things fall into right places". Like a puzzle, I'm reassembling my broken pieces, my parts of life, happy-sad times..all of them from a new beginning. And I know my life's getting better, I'm stronger, and I'm waiting for the perfect plan He has prepared for me.
This is one of my favourite quotes based on Bible that taught me many things. I always look into this since I was in the ninth grade. I dont know but why but I feel calm and safe everytime I read this. Maybe it could be one of your favourite passage too ;)
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all thing right
if I surrender to His will;
That I may reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr
If you ask me how I'm doing with my life now, I still put the name of the person I lost in my prayer, I know God has the best plan for each of us. And I decided to give my heart a break. I'm sure my heart is tired with all the drama I've been involved in :p
So that's all I want to share with you guys, sometimes only in our weaknesses we could see how we depend on God. And if you're having hard times, hugs from me, and believe me 'only on cloudy days you can see the rainbow' :) cheer up and moving forward!
Last but not least, this is a super-good quotes I got from a friend. Goodnight people :) ♥
"A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her"
-Maya Angelou